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  1. Research Technician / Software Engineering Research Group Wojtan

    Institute+of+Science+and+Technology+Austria+%28ISTA%29 Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

    we offer multiple opportunities for personal growth in a stable working environment. Get an insight! Your responsibilities The Wojtan group develops practical computer algorithms...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  2. Supply Chain Manager m/f/d - Operations Agro

    Kwizda+Agro+GmbH Kwizda Agro GmbH

     .companyName {display:none;} Kwizda Agro, a company of the Austrian Kwizda Group, is a leading provider of crop protection products. Our high quality standards, broad...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. Sales Support Specialist (m/f)

    Cimbria+Heid+GmbH Cimbria Heid GmbH

    We offer an attractive position in a global company with a pleasant and constructive working atmosphere. You are kindly asked to submit your application letter and CV in English...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  4. Supply Chain Coordinator m/f - Tolling Operations

    Kwizda+Agro+GmbH Kwizda Agro GmbH

    Kwizda Agro, a company of the Austrian Group Kwizda, is one of the major players in the crop protection goods and leaf fertilisers in Europe. Our high quality standards, our wide...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  5. Country Head

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    We offer applicants a varied position in a rapidly expanding company, plenty of room for growth and development. If you would like to be part of a dynamic team, we look forward to...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  6. Accountant (f/m)

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    CROMA-PHARMA is an internationally active, family-owned pharmaceutical company. Many years of experience in the manufacturing of products based on hyaluronic acid and a unique level...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  7. Medical Writer

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    Medical Writer (m/f) We are searching for applicants who want to make a sustainable contribution to our success as a family- run Austrian company. Tasks: Creation and update of clinical...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  8. Customer Service Manager/-in

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    CROMA-PHARMA is an internationally active, family-owned pharmaceutical company. Many years of experience in the manufacturing of products based on hyaluronic acid and a unique level...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  9. Costumer Service Manager/-in - Export

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    CROMA-PHARMA is an internationally active, family-owned pharmaceutical company. Many years of experience in the manufacturing of products based on hyaluronic acid and a unique level...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  10. Customer Service (f/m)

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    Customer Service (f/m) Your responsibilities, Order processing via SAP Preparing of required documents, Observation of delivery dates internal and external, Correspondence with customers...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  11. Sales Support Specialist (m/f)

    Cimbria+Heid+GmbH Cimbria Heid GmbH

    We offer an attractive position in a global company with a pleasant and constructive working atmosphere. You are kindly asked to submit your application letter and CV in English...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  12. Sales Support Specialist (m/f)

    Cimbria+Heid+GmbH Cimbria Heid GmbH

    We offer an attractive position in a global company with a pleasant and constructive working atmosphere. * You are kindly asked to submit your application letter and CV in...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  13. Accountant (f/m)

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    CROMA-PHARMA is an internationally active, family-owned pharmaceutical company. Many years of experience in the manufacturing of products based on hyaluronic acid and a unique level...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  14. Medical Writer

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    Medical Writer (m/f) We are searching for applicants who want to make a sustainable contribution to our success as a family- run Austrian company. Tasks: Creation and update of clinical...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  15. Customer Service Manager/-in

    Croma-Pharma+GmbH Croma-Pharma GmbH

    CROMA-PHARMA is an internationally active, family-owned pharmaceutical company. Many years of experience in the manufacturing of products based on hyaluronic acid and a unique level...

    Drucken vor 30+ T

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