Portuguese Marketing Jobs in Tirol

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  1. German speaker Customer Care for Online Marketing (f/m/x) in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role Are you passionate about the world of Online Marketing?Teleperformance Portugal is looking for someone with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Start a...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  2. German speaker Customer Delight Representative for Social Media (f/m/x) in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role Become a member of our ambitious and motivated support team. Ensure customers satisfaction by representing one of the world's most recognizable companies and supporting...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. German speaker Customer Service Advisor for tobacco industry (f/m/x) in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role Are you interested in an exciting career in a growing and innovative company?Then work with us! Support our client from the tobacco industry and ensure an outstanding...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  4. German speaker Customer Service Advisor (f/m/x) in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role If you are a communicative person who is looking for a new career path and also understands the importance of delivering the best customer service, you are the perfect...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  5. German speaker Customer Delight Representative for Social Media (f/m/x) Signing Bonus 2000€ in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role Become a member of our ambitious and motivated support team. Ensure customers satisfaction by representing one of the world's most recognizable companies and supporting...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  6. German speaker Customer Service for Healthcare project (f/m/x) Signing Bonus 2000€ in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role As a Customer Support agent for Healthcare project, your main mission will be to manage their requests regarding the use and proper functioning of this device. Our...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  7. German speaker Customer Care for Online Marketing (f/m/x) Signing Bonus up to 5000€ in Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role Are you passionate about the world of Online Marketing? Teleperformance Portugal is looking for someone with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Start a...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  8. German speaker Customer Care for Online Marketing (f/m/x) Signing Bonus 5000€ in Lisbon

    Teleperformance Teleperformance

    Your Role Are you passionate about the world of Online Marketing? Teleperformance Portugal is looking for someone with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Start a...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  9. German Speaker Customer Care For Online Marketing (F/M/X) Signing Bonus 5000€ In Lisbon

    Teleperformance+Portugal Teleperformance Portugal

    Your Role Are you passionate about the world of Online Marketing?Teleperformance Portugal is looking for someone with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Start a...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  10. German Advisor for E-commerce Marketplace Project - Relocation to Lissabon Relocation Lissabon, Portugal

    Webhelp Webhelp

    we offer Competitive wages (14 monthly payments per year) Performance bonus Transportation allowance Health insurance with a dental plan (after 6 months of contract) Relocation...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  11. German Booking Advisor for Hotel Reservations App - Relocation to Lissabon Relocation Lissabon, Portugal

    Webhelp Webhelp

    we offer Competitive wages (14 monthly payments per year)Performance bonusTransportation allowanceHealth insurance with a dental plan (after 6 months of contract)Relocation...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  12. German Booking Advisor for a Railway Travelling Project Relocation Lissabon, Portugal

    Webhelp Webhelp

    we offer Competitive wages (14 monthly payments per year) Meal allowance paid in voucher card (net)Performance bonus Transportation allowance Health insurance with a dental plan...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  13. German Advisor for Online Marketplace Project - Relocation to Lissabon Relocation Lissabon, Portugal

    Webhelp Webhelp

    we offer Competitive wages (14 monthly payments per year) Performance bonus Transportation allowance Health insurance with a dental plan (after 6 months of contract) Relocation...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  14. German Back-Office Representative for Airline’s Legal Department Relocation Lissabon, Portugal

    Webhelp Webhelp

    we offer Competitive wages (14 monthly payments per year)Performance bonusTransportation allowanceHealth insurance with a dental plan (after 6 months contract)Relocation package...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  15. German Advisor for Railway Travelling Reservations - Relocation to Lissabon Relocation Lissabon, Portugal

    Webhelp Webhelp

    we offer Competitive wages (14 monthly payments per year) Meal allowance paid in voucher card (net)Performance bonus Transportation allowance Health insurance with a dental plan...

    Drucken vor 30+ T

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