Head of Group Corporate Governance Office (all genders)

Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG ("Erste Bank")

Wien - vor 10 T

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Working with us means believing in the future; in the great people who are shaping it together every day and in the wide-ranging career paths it opens up. #believeinyourself

Head of Group Corporate Governance Office (all genders)





Occupation Area:

Legal services and Compliance


Erste Group Bank AG

Erste Group was founded in 1819 as the first Austrian savings bank and today it is one of the largest banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). As an attractive employer, Erste Group offers interesting career opportunities in an international environment.

As Head of the Group Corporate Governance Office you lead a team of experts, which is responsible for managing Corporate Governance and Fit-and-Proper topics, supervising compliance in corporate governance issues and recording the minutes of the corporate body meetings (Management Board, Supervisory Board and its committees) of Erste Group Bank AG (EGB), Erste Bank (EBOe) and Zweite Sparkasse. The team also organizes the Annual General Meeting especially of EGB and provide legal assistance for the Management and Supervisory Board of the mentioned bodies in corporate law issues.

Key responsibilities

* Ensure full compliance with relevant legislation and regulation pertaining to the corporate governance
* Support the effective operation of the Institute's Board of Directors and the supervisory board
* Manage communications with Board and Supervisory board members as required
* Lead, foster, motivate, and develop the subordinated employees, taking into account the changing and evolving circumstances and conditions (e. g. Future Competencies)
* Promote a value-oriented corporate culture of diversity
* Compile the annual budget and resource planning based on internal guidelines in agreement with the superior manager
* Management of corporate body meetings of EGB, EBOe and Zweite Sparkasse
* Support of Management Boards, Supervisory Boards and Savings Bank institutions (Sparkassenverband)
* Supervision and preparation of the EGB and EBOe General Meetings

Your Background

* Adequate educational and academic background (degree in Law or Business Law)
* Several years of employment in a legal (bank) and/or company law environment
* Experience in managing, leading and developing a team of highly skilled experts
* Outstanding strategic thinking-, negotiation- and leadership capabilities
* Proficiency in German and English is a must

Our Offer

* Prestigious and challenging Leadership role on B-2 Level
* Key part of the Institute's management team
* Working closely with the Institute's Management Board and Supervisory Board teams
* Key role in providing advice on a variety of legal matters
* Discover and enjoy the benefits of Erste Group
* We offer our employees the opportunity to divide their hours between working from home and at the office
* The minimum wage for this full-time position in accordance with the collective agreement with complete fulfillment of the functional profile is EUR 53.569 gross per year. But this is just a formality - we would be happy to talk about your actual salary in person!
* We consider the diversity of our employees as key to innovation and success. As employer we are proud to offer everyone equal chances, irrespective of age, skin colour, religious belief, gender, sexual orientation or origin.

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Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Jahresgehalt.

53.569,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 53.569,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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