Flight OPS Auditor (m/w/d)

The Flying Bulls GmbH

Salzburg - vor 11 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber


Flight OPS Auditor

Salzburg, Austria

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Join "The Flying Bulls" team and immerse yourself in the aviation world at Red Bull. As a member of our family, you'll contribute to the Safety & Compliance Department by assisting in planning, supporting, and executing tasks.

In the role of Flight Ops Auditor at The Flying Bulls, you'll play a crucial role within the Safety and Compliance team, collaborating closely with the Safety and Compliance Manager and the Flight Operations department. Your responsibilities will include upholding the Compliance Monitoring System and actively participating in Safety Management initiatives, all aimed at ensuring the highest standards of safety across our operations.


Areas that play to your strengths

All the responsibilities we'll trust you with:


Conducting Compliance Monitoring through auditing, risk assessments, and follow-up on corrective actions.


Engaging in Safety Management activities such as occurrence reporting, risk mitigation, and safety promotion.


Acting as a liaison with the Flight Ops Department to address compliance and safety issues effectively.


Providing support to the Safety and Compliance Manager in various tasks and initiatives aimed at enhancing overall safety standards.


Your areas of knowledge and expertise

That matter most for this role:

* Several years experience in professional aviation
* Fluent English and German language
* Extended knowledge about NCC, SPO, ATO flight operations
* Advanced knowledge and experience in compliance monitoring
* Knowledge about aviation safety management and reporting as well as continued airworthiness
* Office & EDP activity skills
* Travel: 0-10 %


Got what it takes?

In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.

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As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.

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