R&D Measurement Science Associate Scientist ( m/f/d)

P&G Health Austria GmbH & Co. OG

Spittal an der Drau - vor 11 T

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R&D Measurement Science Associate Scientist ( m/f/d)

Are you interested in being part of the Analytical R&D team at Procter & Gamble Spittal an der Drau? We need someone who can perform testing tasks and ensure that our work meets high quality standards and deadlines. If you're up for the challenge, we have an exciting opportunity as an R&D Measurement Science Associate Scientist at our production plant for Bion , Kytta , Femibion , Neurobion , and Vigantol products. Join us and make a difference!


* Perform day to day testing activities within the Analytical R&D team to ensure quality and compliance, and timely delivery of test data.
* Adhere to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), and Health, Safety, and Environment requirements.
* Execute standardized methodologies and implement change control requests as per P&G and external authority requirements.
* Deliver routine testing data and reports on time, including appearance testing, titrations, HPLC, GC, GCMS, IC, ICP MS, and solution preparation using approved reference standards.
* Log cross BU sample submissions into Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN).


* University degree in Analytical Chemistry or related field
* Advanced English, German would be a plus
* Good knowledge of analytical techniques used for product development and quality controls, previous industry experience within GMP / Lab environment
* Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with a passion for accuracy and attention to detail.
* Strong Analytical thinking and problem solving

What we offer

* Exciting work and responsibility from Day 1.
* A permanent employment contract with a competitive salary, yearly performance based compensation reviews, and a wide range of social benefits (e.g., flexible work environment, company pension plan, Christmas and vacation bonus, stock purchasing programs). This position is subject to the collective agreement for employees in the chemical industry in job category IV. Willingness to pay above the agreement depends on qualifications and experience
* A customized personal development plan including relevant coaching, mentorship or training on the job

Apply now @ pgcareers.co m

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