Senior Protection Assistant, G.5 (50% job-sharing) (m/w/d)

UNHCR Österreich

Wien - vor 11 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Vacancy Announcement

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) National Office in Austria

is seeking a

Senior Protection Assistant, G.5 (50% job-sharing)


* Relevant Job Experience
* Excellent written and oral command of German (C2) and English (C1)
* Excellent communication and intercultural skills.
* Knowledge of international, EU as well as national refugee / asylum law
* Knowledge of the legal, judicial and political system as well as the refugee status determination and the reception system
* Excellent drafting skills
* Excellent computer skills
* Previous work experience with UNHCR (particularly in Austria) an asset
* Demonstrated training experience on age, gender and diversity sensitive refugee status determination desirable

Main responsibilities

* Deliver training for decision-makers of the Federal Office of Immigration and Asylum (BFA) on handling asylum claims by child and women asylum-seekers within the Office's quality assurance project "Bridge" and update the respective training material.
* Organize a bi-annual training and exchange meeting for legal representatives of unaccompanied or separated asylum-seeking children.
* Conduct on-the-job-trainings on interviewing asylum-seekers for decision-makers of the asylum authority.
* Draft e-learning on UNHCR's mandate and UNHCR's role in the Austrian context for employees of the asylum authority.
* Train interpreters in asylum procedures on UNHCR's mandate and UNHCR's role in the Austrian context.
* Build and maintain informal and formal contacts with relevant junior civil servants of federal and provincial authorities, with guardians and legal representatives of unaccompanied and separated asylum-seeking children as well as with NGO representatives and lawyers with the aim to address possible protection concerns.
* Support the Senior Protection Associate and the Head of Office as required.

We offer:

Initial fixed-term employment of six months from 1 July 2024 with possible prolongation by another six months until 30 June 2025

Annual Net Salary according to UN salary scale, starting at EUR 28,100 (for 20 hours)

Applications can only be accepted through the following link:

Careers (

Deadline: 20 May 2024

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Hinweis: Dieses Inserat wird von unentgeltlich veröffentlicht.

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