Büromitarbeiter / Business Office Assistant (f/m/d)

AMADEUS International School Vienna

Wien - vor 11 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Büromitarbeiter / Business Office Assistant (f/m/d)

Employment: Part-time (15-20 hours)

AMADEUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL VIENNA is a vibrant, unique and dynamic IB World School (EY, PYP, MYP, DP & CP) located in heritage listed buildings on a beautiful campus in Vienna. We strive to create a strong sense of community, which allows students to discover their talents during the education process. With a strong commitment to creativity and performance throughout the school, AMADEUS has a dedicated Academy of Music and the Arts. Our excellent boarding facilities host students from around the world as part of a school community of more than 50 nationalities.


* Support in accounting, invoice entry and filing, billing, no accounting experience necessary
* Support and processing of all tasks in the procurement management area (purchasing and complaints management, organising of travels)
* Support with data entry and data maintenance
* Excellent IT skills, Word, Excel, Outlook and a strong customer and service orientation as well as assertiveness
* Interface between management and customer or employees
* Communication and correspondence in German and English



* Successfully completed commercial training (HAK graduate) or experience in an office role
* Ideally professional experience in the field of assistance
* Sound knowledge of MS Office applications
* Strong communication skills and sociability
* Very good organisational skills and an efficient, structured way of working
* Solution orientated, independent and attention to detail
* Very good knowledge of English
* We are also happy to hear from people returning to work with relevant professional experience


* Additional languages (ideally German) would be an advantage
* Affinity for precision and accuracy


* A welcoming and inclusive work environment with a sense of mission and community
* Long-term employment in an international company
* Ability to be involved in a variety of projects as well as community activities
* The salary, depending on qualifications and experience, follows the current salary scale with a minimum gross monthly salary of EUR 2,465 (14 times a year) for an employment based on a full-time equivalent
* Flexible working hours
* Complementary lunch during the academic year


AMADEUS International School Vienna follows international best practice Child Protection and Safer Recruitment processes. Candidates must be prepared to undergo child protection screening (police records) and appropriate pre-employment/reference checks.

The position will remain open until filled, early applications are preferred and encouraged.

Thank you for understanding that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted..


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

2.465,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 2.465,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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