Senior Data Analyst (f/m/d)

epunkt GmbH

Mödling - vor 24 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Senior Data Analyst (f/m/d)

SQL, DAX, SSIS, Clickhouse, Boa, Airflow, PowerBI, ETL - what's wrong?

* Mödling
* 30 - 40% Homeoffice
* EUR 4,000 - EUR 5,500
* Full Time

Job Nr. EPSP39275

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Your future role

Have you solved the puzzle? You want to know where all these exciting technologies are used? Youll find out in your new role as Senior Data Analyst :-) This will be your opportunity to use your expertise in data analysis through a wide variety of possibilities.

The data you work with is an invaluable part of your new employer's successful product. You will work with your team on end-to-end data processes. Whether data pipelines, models or dashboards - you are passionate about all topics. The more complex, the better. Using your sophisticated analyses, you will drive the further development of the product, uncover opportunities for further automation and make your customers' work easier.

Desired qualifications

* Several years of professional experience in data analysis or data technology
* Comprehensive knowledge of building data pipelines, developing data models and creating dashboards
* Very good handling of DAX, SQL, PowerBI, Python
* First or even very good experience with Apache Superset, Apache Airflow, Clickhouse

The special thing about this job

In this position, you can work with all aspects of data analysis, but you can also set a specific focus if you wish. You will work independently on exciting topics, but also together in a team on new projects, evaluate the latest tools and work with a state-of-the-art tech stack! The company still has a start-up spirit but is well beyond start-up status.


* Accessibility (via public transport)
* Beverages
* Bicycles / E-Scooters
* Foosball Table
* Fruit Basket
* Gaming Room
* Healthcare
* Snacks & Sweets
* Team Events

Salary range

Between EUR 4,000 and EUR 5,500 gross/month (on full-time basis) according to qualifications and experience.

Follow the link for the Gross-net calculator.

The organization

Our client is a provider of AI-based cloud solutions for multinational companies and its product connects the digital world with the analog world in an intelligent way. With offices in Germany, Austria and the Philippines, the company serves more than 200,000 business users in 70 countries worldwide.
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If you are passionate about data protection, you are welcome to take a look at our data protection provisions.

Your contact person

Sabrina Fruhmann

Teamlead Recruiting

+43 316 22 56 46-334

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Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

4.000,00€ Mindestgehalt 5.500,00€
Unser Mindestgehalt: 4.000,00€
Unser Maximalgehalt: 5.500,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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