Chief Financial Officer (f/m/d)

Iventa. The Human Management Group

Budapest - vor 26 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Strategic thinking, operational overview, communication skills and financial expertise are your core competencies? Our client, an international company focusing on the aftermarket segment offers an exciting opportunity for a dedicated and skilled leader in Austria (Vienna) OR in Hungary (close to Budapest)!

Chief Financial Officer (f/m/d)


* Lead the development of the annual finance plan for the CEE region and collaborate nationwide with internal stakeholders to set targets for turnover, margin and cost levels to ensure a healthy P&L
* Consolidate financial reporting and provide data in accordance with company standards, ensuring timely and accurate delivery
* Analyze market strengths and areas for improvement, initiating relevant action plans to achieve expected financial results
* Coordinate cash management activities, optimizing cash flow and liquidity while supervising treasury, bank relations and tax payments
* Act as a strategic business partner for regional CEO, COOs and functional heads, providing financial insights and support across all aspects of operations
* Assist in all aspects of the financial planning & analysis process, including standard and ad-hoc analysis, reporting and proposal preparation


* University master's degree in finance / economics or related field
* Minimum of 10 years of experience in finance and / or accounting roles, preferably in an international setting
* Strong knowledge of financial planning, reporting & analysis
* Proven ability to lead and coordinate financial processes across multiple regions
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to partner effectively with senior management and stakeholders
* Excellent proficiency in English (Hungarian & German is a plus)


* Competitive salary with yearly bonus based on company and personal performance
* Cafeteria benefits
* Health insurance coverage
* Company car provided
* Mobile phone and laptop for professional use

If you are a seasoned finance professional with a track record of success in international environments, we invite you to apply for this exciting opportunity to contribute to our client's growth and success.

We are looking forward to receiving your resume via,
quoting the ref. no. 60659/KA.
Zsuzsanna Torda, Tel: +43 (1) 523 49 44-282

Apply here!

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