Technical Project Manager (m/w/d)

Nutshell Quantum-Safe GmbH

Wien - vor 25 T

At ID Quantique (IDQ), we change the world, one photon at a time. We harness light to develop and industrialize the most advanced quantum products and technologies and help to build long-term trust. We offer quantum key distribution systems and quantum random number generators, and with them we provide the highest level of future-proof security. We develop the most advanced single-photon detectors and timing instruments to exploit the power of light at the quantum level. We develop solutions that provide the highest levels of sensitivity and precision, and we enable novel and secure applications based on these. As a world leader in quantum technologies, IDQ is a fast-growing company that is creating new activities in new markets around the world.

Technical Project Manager

Vienna, full time

IDQ is looking for a Technical Project Manager to join its European R&D team based in Vienna, and support ongoing quantum-related projects and activities, including strong interaction with IDQs Headquarters in Geneva. The projects will require good technical understanding and direct/hands-on contribution, as well as coordination with external partnersand other international companies. By working with and observing the quantum technology research community in Europe and worldwide, (s)he will contribute to building the innovation roadmap of IDQ. This position requires an all-around skilled person, autonomous, self-driven and with relatively strong technical background. Young talents with limited industrial experience will be considered as well.

Key Functions and Responsibilities:

* Project management of a collaborative research project supported by public funding instruments, including coordination with project partners and communication with funding agencies.
* Technical contribution on documentation, design, development or testing
* Involvement in technical support activities on our QKD Systems, in close interaction with some of our customers
* Active collaboration on innovation projects driven out of IDQ HQ.
* Local office management in Vienna and coordination with IDQ HQ.

Desired Profile:

* General project management skills, organised and good in communication.
* Domain understanding and Technical hands-on experience in quantum field, optical systems for telecommunication and/or analogue electronics. Understanding of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes, chip packaging and/or ASICs development and integration a plus.
* Experience with linux and networking basics a plus
* Some experience with public funding projects or similar a plus.
* Innovation-focused, attracted by new and complex technologies.
* Self-driven, results oriented and collaborative mindset.
* Fluent in German and English.
* Ready to travel regularly in EU if needed (5-10% of time est.)
* Professional experience 2-4 years or similar (e.g. PhD).
* Masters degree in electronics, optics, physics or similar (e.g. any engineering related studies).

We offer:

* Flexible working models to ensure a balance of family and working life.
* Optimal support on your career path through regular training opportunities.
* A dynamic and personal atmosphere, working with a global team of experts.
* A company culture that encourages performance and cooperation.
* A salary in line with the market starting at EUR 65,000 gross per year, with overpayment based on your qualifications and experience

This position is a fixed-term contract until the end of 2025 with an extension or relocation option.

At IDQ, Diversity & Inclusion is at the heart of our organisation, it's an integral part of our history, culture and identity. We recognise that embracing diversity unlocks innovation and creativity and fosters collaboration. As a result, our teams are stronger to drive the company's future.

The position is open immediately.

Should you be interested by this opportunity, please send your resume and a short motivation message with AT Technical Project Manager in the subject to apply smart

ID Quantique is an equal opportunity employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by law.

ID Quantique

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