Scientist Plant Health (f/m/x)

San Venture Service GmbH

Herzogenburg - vor 23 T

SAN Agrow is the plant protection business unit of SAN Group. SAN Agrow contributes to sustainable agriculture by providing biotechnological crop protection, nutrients, and biostimulants. With successful products based on microorganisms or plant extracts, we contribute to more sustainable agriculture. Through in-house R+D, we gain new insights in the areas of microbial biocontrol agents, microbial fermentations, plant extracts, bio stimulants, as well as plant nutrition. In this way we create new products for expanding our portfolio for conventional and organic farming.

Scientist Plant Health (f/m/x)

These are the tasks we trust in you:

* Carry out strategic R+D initiatives aimed at expanding our sustainable product range to drive future company growth.
* Develop and supervise a team of technical staff and interns.
* Act as contact person between SAN Agrow Development and external collaborators.
* Design and manage R&D projects acting in close collaboration with the different business units.
* Develop research protocols and SOPs for laboratory, greenhouse, and field activities.
* Provide technical expertise and support to the Product Management team.
* Scout new possibilities and collaboration in the field of plant biology, crop protection and nutrition, tracking the evolution of new technologies and trend.

To grow in this position, it requires the following:

* University degree (preferably MSc or PhD) in plant pathology, entomology, plant biotechnology, plant biology, or related fields.
* Extensive hands-on laboratory and greenhouse experience in plant health research.
* Innovative with strengths in experimental design and statistics.
* Capable of working independently with minimal supervision.
* Self-motivated, with a can do attitude.

We have a SANtastic culture, means for you:

* First name terms from trainee to owner
* No neckties and open doors
* Small teams to root-in and grow
* High degrees of freedom to create in a positive team atmosphere
* Flexible work hours and home-office
* Benefits such as team events, state-of-the-art work environment and IT infrastructure, free parking, sports hall & fitness center, internal and external development programs

What else to know?

* You are rooted in 3130 Herzogenburg (AT)
* We appreciate your expertise for 38,5 hours/week, full-time, permanent contract
* This position is available immediately however, we are happy to consider your notice period or your desired start date.
* Based on your professional experience and your qualification, we offer you an attractive total compensation package starting at EUR 46 200,00 gross annual base salary, plus attractive benefits.

SAN Agrow Holding GmbH
Melanie Hoffmann

Industriestraße 20
3130 Herzogenburg


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Jahresgehalt.

46.200,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 46.200,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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