Assertive Jobs in Salzburg

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  1. Area Sales Manager (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    WE OFFER * Interesting job with a wide range of activities and challenging tasks * Valued integration in a professional team * Good life balance thanks to flexible...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  2. IoT Specialist* (m/w/d)


    we offer you various working time models to suit your private and professional situation. * Professional development You'll have access to continuing education and training...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. Area Sales Manager TMF (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    WE OFFER * Interesting job with a wide range of activities and challenging tasks Valued integration in a professional team Good life balance thanks to flexible working hours...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  4. Sales Engineer (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    WE OFFER * Interesting job with a wide range of activities and challenging tasks * Career planning and development opportunities * Ongoing professional development...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  5. Junior Area Sales Manager TMF (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    WE OFFER * Interesting job with a wide range of activities and challenging tasks * Valued integration in a professional team * Good life balance thanks to flexible...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  6. (Senior) Corporate Security Engineer (m/f/d)


    We offer a salary in line with the market, which is based on your qualifications and professional experience. The collective agreement minimum salary for this position is...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  7. Director Sales & Service EMEA Product Lines: PK, TMF, PCC & solutions (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    WE OFFER * Interesting job with a wide range of activities and challenging tasks * Good life balance thanks to flexible working hours and freedom in work organization...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  8. Logistics Operations Specialist - Fashion and FanWear

    AlphaTauri+GmbH AlphaTauri GmbH

    Full-time Logistics Operations Specialist - Fashion and FanWear Elsbethen, Austria Apply now Are you passionate about business operations and eager to experience fashion at first...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  9. Digital Chief Engineer (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    WE OFFER YOU: * The opportunity to actively shape a new, rapidly growing and strategically relevant business area and to contribute your own ideas * Good-life-balance...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  10. Digital Chief Engineer (f/m/d)

    Palfinger+AG Palfinger AG

    PALFINGER stands for most On our journey to realize the PALFINGER Vision & Strategy 2030, we focus to increasingly offer fully integrated lifting solutions with hard- and software...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  11. Legal Counsel - Part-time

    Kiska+GmbH Kiska GmbH

    Legal Counsel - Part-time - Salzburg Represent the legal interests of KISKA. In this role, you'll find creative solutions to complex legal issues. All while being inspired by an...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  12. Project Manager (m/f)

    Bilfinger+Life+Science+GmbH Bilfinger Life Science GmbH

    we offer attracitve carreer opportunitiesin international projects and huge possibilities in developingpersonally and professionally. According to the Austrian...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  13. Smart Commerce Innovation Manager*


    Smart Commerce Innovation Manager* in an innovative environment (Ref.Nr.:1668) * PIERER Innovation GmbH Mattighofen, Wels, Linz, Salzburg * full time * asap...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  14. Project Manager (m/f)

    Bilfinger+Industrietechnik+Salzburg+GmbH Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbH

    we offer attracitve carreer opportunitiesin international projects and huge possibilities in developingpersonally and professionally. According to the Austrian...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  15. German Admin & Support Specialist - Majorel Lisbon (Relocation to Lisbon)

    Majorel+Iberia Majorel Iberia

    Description ;;Who we are:We're Majorel. We design, deliver and differentiate customer experience on behalf of some of the world's most respected brands.;;Recognizing a very...

    Drucken vor 30+ T

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