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  1. Clinical Research Scientist (f/m/d)

    Marinomed+Biotech+AG Marinomed Biotech AG

    we offer a gross annual salary of approximately Euro 50,000 on a full-time basis Would you like to work in an international environment as a part of a creative team? Please send...

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  2. Clinical Research Scientist

    Marinomed+Biotech+AG Marinomed Biotech AG

    we offer a gross annual salary of approximately Euro 50,000 on a full-time basis Would you like to work in an international environment as a part of a creative team? Please send...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. Senior Global Product Manager, Autoimmunity Diagnostics (m/f/d)

    Thermo+Fisher+Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific

    we offer: Employment with an innovative, future-oriented organisation Outstanding career and development prospects Company pension scheme and other fringe benefits Exciting...

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  4. Associate Scientist Analytical Development (all genders)

    Randstad+Austria+GmbH Randstad Austria GmbH

    We offer an attractive salary package in line with your qualification, experience and individual competencies. The base pay is composed of a market oriented excess payment and...

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  5. Scientist Cancer Biology, Immunology As Preclinical Development Manager - In Vivo Studies, Biotherapeutics, Oncology (M/F/D)

    OncoOne OncoOne

    We offer a competitive salary based on professional and personal skills as well as professional experience. The base pay for this position, according to the Austrian collective...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  6. Scientist Cancer Biology, Immunology As Preclinical Development Manager - In Vivo Studies, Biotherapeutics, Oncology (M/F/D)

    OncoOne OncoOne

    We offer a competitive salary based on professional and personal skills as well as professional experience. The base pay for this position, according to the Austrian collective...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  7. Scientist Cancer Biology, Immunology As Preclinical Development Manager - In Vivo Studies, Biotherapeutics, Oncology (M/F/D)

    OncoOne OncoOne

    We offer a competitive salary based on professional and personal skills as well as professional experience. The base pay for this position, according to the Austrian collective...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  8. Scientist Cancer Biology, Immunology As Preclinical Development Manager - In Vivo Studies, Biotherapeutics, Oncology (M/F/D)

    OncoOne OncoOne

    We offer a competitive salary based on professional and personal skills as well as professional experience. The base pay for this position, according to the Austrian collective...

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  9. Clinical Scientist (m/w/d) für wissenschaftliche und klinische Forschungsprojekte - Fokus MR/ KI

    Philips Philips

    Sie sind Teil von dem internationalen Team von Clinical Science, welches vorrangig auf dem Gebiet der MRT spezialisiert ist, aber auch CT, Nuklearmedizin und weitere Verfahren der...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  10. Associate Principal Scientist, Methodology Research, Biostatistics

    Merck+Sharp+%26+Dohme+GmbH Merck Sharp & Dohme GmbH

    we offer state of the art laboratories, plants and offices that are designed to Inspire our employees as we learn, develop and grow in our careers. We are proud of our 125 years...

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  11. Associate Scientist Analytical Development (all genders)

    Randstad+Austria+GmbH Randstad Austria GmbH

    We offer an attractive salary package in line with your qualification, experience and individual competencies. The base pay is composed of a market oriented excess payment and...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  12. Scientist Cancer Biology, Immunology As Preclinical Development Manager - In Vivo Studies, Biotherapeutics, Oncology (M/F/D)

    OncoOne OncoOne

    We offer a competitive salary based on professional and personal skills as well as professional experience. The base pay for this position, according to the Austrian collective...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  13. Associate Scientist Analytical Development (all genders)

    Randstad+Austria+GmbH Randstad Austria GmbH

    We offer an attractive salary package in line with your qualification, experience and individual competencies. The base pay is composed of a market oriented excess payment and...

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  14. Clinical Scientist (m/w/d) für wissenschaftliche und klinische Forschungsprojekte - Fokus MR/ KI

    Philips Philips

    Sie sind Teil von dem internationalen Team von Clinical Science, welches vorrangig auf dem Gebiet der MRT spezialisiert ist, aber auch CT, Nuklearmedizin und weitere Verfahren der...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  15. Associate Principal Scientist, Methodology Research, Biostatistics

    Merck+Sharp+%26+Dohme+GmbH Merck Sharp & Dohme GmbH

    we offer state of the art laboratories, plants and offices that are designed to Inspire our employees as we learn, develop and grow in our careers. We are proud of our 125 years...

    Drucken vor 30+ T

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