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  1. Wir bieten: * Flexible Arbeitszeiten * Sicherer Arbeitsplatz * Einzigartiger B&R Spirit * Verpflegungsangebote * B&R Corporate Benefits More about us At...

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Diese Jobs hast du verpasst

  1. Head of Division Controlling (m/w/d)

    Lenzing+AG Lenzing AG

    We offer flexible working time and remote working options. Are you qualified and motivated to support Lenzing in this position? I am looking forward to your online application...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  2. Manager Controlling Processes and Excellence (m/f/x)

    Lenzing+AG Lenzing AG

    We offer flexible working time and remote working options. Are you passionate and qualified to take this role? Take the chance to contribute to the success of the Lenzing Group...

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  3. Head of Business IT Solutions (m/w/d)

    Lenzing+AG Lenzing AG

    We offer flexible working time and remote working options. Are you passionate and qualified to take this role? Take the chance to contribute to the success of the Lenzing Group...

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  4. Head of IT Infrastructure & Service Desk (m/w/d)

    Lenzing+AG Lenzing AG

    From wood to pulp to fiber - this is Lenzing. We weave innovation and respect into sustainability. Our technology inspires the fashion and hygiene industries to make better...

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  5. Performance Improvement Consultant (f/m/d)

    Lenzing+AG Lenzing AG

    From wood to pulp to fiber - this is Lenzing. We weave innovation and respect into sustainability. Our technology inspires the fashion and hygiene industries to make better...

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  6. Customer Product Development Team Lead m/f/d

    Boa+Technology+GmbH Boa Technology GmbH

    WE OFFER * Challenging tasks in a successful and innovative company based in the beautiful lake area of Salzkammergut. * A welcoming working environment in a committed...

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  7. International Nursing & Application Manager (m/f/x)

    EVER+Pharma EVER Pharma

    We offer The chance to develop your role and grow in an exciting and demanding multinational work environment where active participation is supported and encouraged. In addition...

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  8. Senior Project Manager (m / f / d)

    Lenzing+AG Lenzing AG

    Seit 80 Jahren denken wir bei Lenzing über Fasern hinaus. Mit dem natürlichen Rohstoff Holz schaffen wir erfolgreiche und begeisternde Lösungen für die...

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  9. Experienced Scrum Master (m/f/x)

    Cloudflight+Austria+GmbH Cloudflight Austria GmbH

    At Cloudflight, we've been building a home full of open communication, purpose and mastery where you can unfold your wings and take responsibility from day one. We are makers...

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    Cloudflight+Austria+GmbH Cloudflight Austria GmbH

    As an Intern in Software Engineering, you will… work in projects with agile working methods (such as Scrum ) receive guidance from a dedicated coach be part of an awesome...

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  11. Chief Technology Officer (f/m/d)

    B%26R+Industrial+Automation+GmbH B&R Industrial Automation GmbH

    Eggelsberg,AustriaAs Chief Technology Officer (CTO), you will be responsible for the strategic development and coordination of all R&D activities for a global complex...

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  12. Senior Software Developer (w/m/d)

    3P+Personalamanagement+GmbH 3P Personalamanagement GmbH

    Senior Software Developer (w/m/d) Scratch Oop Vue.js Kotlin ElasticSearch TypeScript MongoDB Scrum Python JavaScript Java Description Build high-qualityand fully performing...

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  13. Team Leader Graphic and Multimedia


    Graphic and Multimedia Design As a global player rooted in Austria, we thrive on diversity. No matter what gender you may be, where you come from or the color of your skin - here...

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  14. Technical Trainer (m/f/x) - Software

    EV+Group+Europe+%26+Asia%2FPacific+GmbH EV Group Europe & Asia/Pacific GmbH

    215 Technical Trainer (m/f/x) - Software You are responsible for the organization and implementation of internal and customer-specific trainings, including the definition and...

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