Executive Secretary Jobs in Wien im Umkreis von 25 km

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  1. Executive Assistant (m/w/d)

    Western+Union Western Union

    Administration Executive Assistant LOCATION: AT - Vienna TYPE: Full_time POSTED: November 3, 2023 ID: JR0115723 Apply Board Affairs Specialist - Vienna, Austria Do you thrive on...

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  2. Internal Communications Officer (f/m/d) Communications, Marketing & Outreach Office

    CEU+GmbH CEU GmbH

    We offer a competitive salary starting from gross 50,000 EUR/year. A higher salary is possible if warranted by the candidate's working experience. How to apply: Applicants need...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, D2

    United+Nations United Nations

    Org. Setting and Reporting The position is located at the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in Vienna, Austria. UNOOSA manages and implements the Programme on...

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  4. Director

    United+Nations United Nations

    Posting Title:Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, D2Job Code Title:DIRECTOR, PROGRAMME MANAGEMENTDepartment/Office:United Nations Office for Outer Space...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  5. International Consultant - Evaluation Consultant


    International Consultant - Evaluation Consultant Please note that this is a consultancy assignment of a temporary nature, with an expected duration of approximately 5 months. The...

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    United+Nations United Nations

    Posting Title:DEPUTY DIRECTOR, D1Job Code Title:DEPUTY DIRECTOR, DRUG CONTROL AND CRIME PREVENTIONDepartment/Office:United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeDuty...

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  7. Chief of Section

    United+Nations United Nations

    Posting Title:Chief of Section, P5Job Code Title:CHIEF OF SECTION, DRUG CONTROL AND CRIME PREVENTIONDepartment/Office:United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeDuty...

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    United+Nations United Nations

    Org. Setting and Reporting This position is located in the Office of the Director (OD) of the Division for Operations (DO) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC...

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  9. International Consultant - Social Media Expert


    International Consultant - Social Media Expert Please note that this is a consultancy assignment of a temporary nature, with an expected duration of approximately 12 working days...

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  10. Muslim Jewish Leadership Council Coordinator

    Muslimisch+J%C3%BCdischer+Kooperationsrat Muslimisch Jüdischer Kooperationsrat

    OrganizationalsettingThe MJLC is a charitable, non-profitassociation based in Austria. By strengthening Muslim-Jewishrelations and advocating for minority rights in...

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  11. Policy Officer (S)


    Candidates should, prior to applying, verify with their respective nominating authority to which extent financial remuneration and/or benefit packages will be offered. Seconded...

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  12. External Relations Officer

    United+Nations United Nations

    Posting Title:External Relations Officer, P3Job Code Title:EXTERNAL RELATIONS OFFICERDepartment/Office:United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeDuty Station:VIENNAPosting Period:15...

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    myGwork myGwork

    Org. Setting and Reporting This position is located within the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, Special Projects and Innovation Branch, Countering Terrorist Travel...

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  14. Team Assistant

    myGwork myGwork

    Org. Setting and Reporting This position is located in the Office of the Director-General/Office of the Executive Director (ODG/OED). The incumbent will work under the direct...

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  15. Senior External Co-operation Officer


    BackgroundThe OSCE has a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects. It therefore addresses a wide range...

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