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  1. Ferialpraktikum für Sommer 2024 gesucht! (all genders)


    Wir bieten Dir: Einen monatlichen Unterstützungsbeitrag von EUR 1.100,- bis EUR 1.400,- brutto je nach Ausbildungsgrad Ein dynamisches und internationales Umfeld Die...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  2. Ferialpraktikum für Sommer 2023 (f/m/d)


    Wir bieten Dir: * Einen monatlichen Unterstützungsbeitrag von EUR 1.100,- bis EUR 1.400,- brutto je nach Ausbildungsgrad * Ein dynamisches und internationales Umfeld...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Geobiology

    Egu Egu

    Job advertisement Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Geobiology Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Geobiology Site search European Geosciences Union

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  4. University Assistant (post doc) at the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 179 fields of study, approx. 10.000 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position from 01.04.2022 of a...

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  5. University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of Palaeontology

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    We offer an excellent working environment in a creative team. The successful candidate will be member of the Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences VISESS...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  6. University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of Palaeontology

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    We offer an excellent working environment in a creative team. The successful candidate will be member of the Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences VISESS...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  7. University Assistant (prae doc) at the Research Platform Plastics in the Environment and Society

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 179 fields of study, approx. 10.000 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position from 01.01.2022 of a...

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  8. University Assistant (prae doc) at the Research Platform Plastics in the Environment and Society

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 179 fields of study, approx. 10.000 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position from 01.01.2022 of a...

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  9. PhD positions (f/m/d) Doctoral School in Microbiology and Environmental Sciences

    University+of+Vienna University of Vienna

    We offer internationally competitive salaries and full health benefits. Please note that C1 English skills are a requirement for all positions announced in our call.Positions are...

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  10. Phd Positions (F/M/D) Doctoral School In Microbiology And Environmental Sciences

    University+of+Vienna University of Vienna

    We offer internationally competitive salaries and full health benefits. Please note that C1 English skills are a requirement for all positions announced in our call. Positions...

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  11. Expert in natural hazards, UAV and remote sensing

    iC+consulenten+Ziviltechniker+GesmbH iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH

    Key qualifications: More than 10 years of experience in the areas of spatial data management, remote sensing and geohazards Design, tendering, construction supervision, inspection...

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  12. Expert in natural hazards, UAV and remote sensing

    iC+consulenten+Ziviltechniker+GesmbH iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH

    Profession: Key qualifications: More than 10 years of experience in the areas of spatial data management, remote sensing and geohazards Design, tendering, construction...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  13. University Assistant (prae doc) at the Research Platform The Challenge of Urban Futures: governing the complexities in European cities

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 179 fields of study, approx. 10.000 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position as soon as possible of...

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  14. University Assistant (prae doc) at the Research Platform The Challenge of Urban Futures: governing the complexities in European cities

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 178 fields of study, approx. 9.800 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position as soon as possible of a...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  15. Fully Funded PhD Positions (f/m/d) in molecular microbiology, ecology, computational biology and environmental geosciences

    Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Universität Wien

    We offer internationally competitive salaries and full health benefits. Please note that C1 English skills are a requirement for all positions announced in our call.Positions are...

    Drucken vor 30+ T

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