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  1. Internship Software Development - Group Corporates and Markets (all genders)

    Technische+Universit%C3%A4t+Wien Technische Universität Wien

    Erste Digital The future of banking is digital, and IT is the key to this change. Erste Digital is the digital enabler that drives innovative IT solutions for Erste Group, the...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  2. Datacenter Network Engineer (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

    Unser Angebot Ein vielfältiges Aufgabengebiet mit hoher Eigenverantwortung und attraktiven Karrierechancen Vielfältige Weiterbildungsangebote für deine...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  3. Solution Manager SWIFT (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

     Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game and that's where Erste Group's IT entities come into play. We believe that the future of banking is digital...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  4. Solution Manager SWIFT (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

     Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game and that's where Erste Group's IT entities come into play. We believe that the future of banking is digital...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  5. Digital Workplace Architect (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH+%28ehemalsSPARDAT%29 s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH (ehemalsSPARDAT)

    Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game. Today, our digitally savvy customers demand a premium experience across all channels and touchpoints. And that's...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  6. Solution Manager SWIFT (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH+%28ehemalsSPARDAT%29 s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH (ehemalsSPARDAT)

    Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game and that's where Erste Group's IT entities come into play. We believe that the future of banking is digital and we...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  7. Security Architect & Application Security Expert (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

    Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game. Today, our digitally savvy customers demand a premium experience across all channels and touchpoints. And...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  8. Praktikum Software Development (all genders) #changebanking

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

    AngebotDie Möglichkeit erste Arbeitserfahrungen in einem sehr professionellen Umfeld zu machenTeilzeitbeschäftigung im Ausmaß zwischen 20 und 25 Std/WocheEin...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  9. Java Software Developer (all genders) #java

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

    Voraussetzung für diese AufgabeDu hast bereits Hands-On Erfahrung als Java Softwareentwickler und deine Leidenschaft liegt im „Clean Coding"Du bringst gute Java und...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  10. Digital Workplace Architect (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

     Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game. Today, our digitally savvy customers demand a premium experience across all channels and touchpoints. And...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  11. Security Analyst (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

     Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game. Today, our digitally savvy customers demand a premium experience across all channels and touchpoints. And...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  12. Security Operations Architect (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

    Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game. Today, our digitally savvy customers demand a premium experience across all channels and touchpoints. And...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  13. SIEM Rule Developer and Log Manager (all genders)

    s+IT+Solutions+AT+Spardat+GmbH s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

    Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game. Today, our digitally savvy customers demand a premium experience across all channels and touchpoints. And...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  14. Frontend Developer for Tableau (all genders) #dashboards

    Erste+Bank+der+oesterreichischen+Sparkassen+AG+%28%22Erste+Bank%22%29 Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG ("Erste Bank")

    Technological innovations have fundamentally changed the game and that's where Erste Group's IT entities come into play. We believe that the future of banking is digital and we...

    Drucken vor 30+ T
  15. PL SQL Data Lake Developer (all genders)

    Erste+Bank+der+oesterreichischen+Sparkassen+AG+%28%22Erste+Bank%22%29 Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG ("Erste Bank")

    we offer * A very diverse job in an interesting and dynamic field with excellent perspectives, the chance to take over responsibility for challenging group-wide projects in...

    Drucken vor 30+ T

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