Early Stage Researcher - PhD Student (m/f/d)

Donau-Universität Krems

Krems an der Donau - vor 12 T

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University for Continuing Education Krems

The University for Continuing Education Krems specializes in part-time academic continuing education. As a public university for continuing education, it works with its expertise in teaching and research to overcome societal challenges and tailors its study programs to address them. With 8,000 students coming from 90 countries, the University for Continuing Education Krems combines its many years of experience in university-based continuing education with innovation to provide outstanding quality in research and teaching at an international level. Situated 60 km from Vienna in the alluring world heritage region Wachau, Campus Krems is a highly attractive location.

The following position is available to strengthen our team of the Department for Health Sciences, Medicine and Research at the Faculty of Health and Medicine:

Early Stage Researcher - PhD Student (m/f/d)

30 hrs./week

Advertisement No. SB24-0074

The advertised position aims to investigate the influence of different culture conditions of mesenchymal stem cells in order to generate extracellular vesicles with ideal therapeutic features which can be applied to treat osteoarthritis in the future.

Your tasks

* Performing experiments to evaluate the influence of cellular priming on the cartilage regeneration capability of extracellular vesicles in various models
* Publishing research findings in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals
* Presenting results at national and international conferences
* Pursuing and submitting a dissertation in the PhD programme "Regenerative Medicine" at the University for Continuing Education

Your profile
We require evidence of the following qualifications for the application:

* Completed university studies (Master/Diploma) in the fields of biology, molecular biology, biochemistry or related fields
* Experience in isolation and characterization of extracellular vesicles from various sources
* Knowledge of basic cell culture and analysis methods (e.g. isolation of cells from tissues, expansion of cells, PCR, Histology, Western Blot)
* Excellent knowledge in writing scientific texts
* Excellent English language skills (min. B2)
* Ability to work independently
* Teamwork skills

Your perspective

* Part-time position (30 hours/week), initially limited to 3 years, with a minimum salary of EUR 3,578.80 gross per month on a full-time basis (classification as a scientific project staff member according to § 49 VwGr. B1, Kollektivvertrag für Universitäten (collective agreement of universities)
* Innovative and modern working environment at the Campus Krems
* Very good opportunities for further education within the framework of our own study programs, extensive offer of workplace health promotion as well as the University Sports Institute (USI)

Persons with disabilities who meet the required profile criteria are expressly invited to apply for this position. The University for Continuing Education Krems sees high innovation potential in the diversity of its employees and is committed to diversity as a guiding principle.

We look forward to receiving your online application by 31 May 2024 via our online tool: Vacancies - University for Continuing Education Krems (donau-uni.ac.at)

Your application should include:

* Cover letter (max. two pages)
* Curriculum Vitae
* Degrees and transcripts


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

3.579€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 3.579€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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