Manager Translational Research (f/m/d)

Hookipa Biotech GmbH

Wien - vor 24 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Manager - Translational Research (f/m/d)

Date: May 2024
Location: Vienna, Austria

Position Summary:

The incumbent will support the Clinical Biomarkers and Translational Research teams with all aspects of data management and analysis, oversight of external and internal partners for timely delivery of high quality and regulatory compliant biomarker data, report writing and budget oversight. The position requires advanced knowledge of immunology, virology, assay development, data management and analysis as well as experience in project management.

Main Responsibilities:

* Oversee data generation by internal and external laboratories
* Support analysis of complex translational and biomarker data and ensure QC-compliant data management in alignment with the responsible scientist
* Function as subject matter expert for data and tech transfer between CROs and HOOKIPA in alignment with Clinical Data Management
* Assists in selection, contracting, qualification, performance evaluation, periodic visits and audits of CRO laboratories, troubleshoot as required
* Supports the clinical trial conduct within the scope of the department's responsibilities, including development and review of documents, assay validation plans, defining scope of work for CROs, sample management, bioanalytical study planning & reporting, ensure compliance with clinical SOPs & policies
* Manage timelines, setup POs, review of deliverables and invoices and provide regular budget updates
* Write, review and approve SOPs, study plans, reports and manuscripts
* Contribute to a friendly and productive work environment, consistently thriving for improvement

Professional Experience:

* PhD in life sciences
* At least 3 years of industry experience
* Minimum 3 years hands-on laboratory experience with virological and/or immunological assays and cell culture techniques
* Training and work experience in project management
* Experience with managing external partners (e.g., CMOs, CROs)
* Experience with working under GCP guidelines for clinical trial sample analysis is an advantage
* Advanced knowledge of data management. Knowledge of bioinformatics/computational biology is an advantage
* Excellent written and oral communication skills in English

Competencies & Personal Skills

* Independent and proactive work style, detail-oriented, well-organized
* Strong interpersonal skills, open-minded and flexible team-player
* Able to motivate others and lead by example

What we offer:

* Strong team with dedicated and passionate researchers
* State of the art infrastructure
* Excellent working atmosphere
* Opportunities for personal development
* Employee benefits such as health screening, public transportation card, Sodexo pass
* Working in a multinational and multicultural environment
* Flexible working hours
* After training phase: home-office possibility up to 40% of working time

We are required by Austrian law to post a minimum salary. The minimum monthly gross salary for this position is EUR 4.390, - based on fulltime (14 monthly salaries per annum/ 40 hours per week); depending on experience and qualification the salary can be negotiated. In addition, we offer a performance-related bonus payment and participation in our stock option compensation program.

Starting date: as soon as possible


If you (m/f/d) are interested in this challenging position, please send us your CV including a cover letter (summarizing your qualification and experiences) as well as your credentials.

For more information on HOOKIPA please visit


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

4.390,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 4.390,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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